All Investors dabbling in stock market are in it to grow
their bank accounts so that they can buy more stuff in the future. During the
short 1 year existence of this blog, there have been a couple of listed stock market
deals highlighted and it is good practice to present the scorecard for the
specific stocks highlighted as the year 2016 comes to a close with several
assumptions as per the scorecard below:
Should you have invested your hard earned cash in equal
proportions in every single counters above, you would have been 10.47% “richer”
at the end of the holding period, assuming
you dispose all investments at the stated “best case scenario” and 16 December
2016 “report card date”.
Is 10.47% good enough returns to justify the sweat and tears
of digging through exchange filings and bearing the potential pain of share
price losses? Is spending hours analyzing individual counters worth the 10.47% as
compared to putting all your eggs in Fixed Deposit with a Malaysian Bank which
will yield you 4% tops? Probably or maybe not.
Hope 2017 will present whole new sets of juicy speculative
deals which I may pen my simple thoughts on, and bear some financial fruits for
my bank account.
Note: This is not an investment advice. Buy and sell any securities
at your own risk.
Disclosure: None.